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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 61 до 80 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Human capital as a key factor in the development of university innovationKozhushko, R.
2021Using the Hackathon ecosystem as an effective tool for managing the competitiveness of an institution of higher educationHanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.
2021Organization of the energy management system on the basis of the university knowledge HUBNifatova, O.
2021Conceptual model of the Hackathon ecosystem of technology transfer in an institution of higher educationGoncharenko, I.
2021Social responsibility of business in preventing a COVID-19 pandemicDudko, P.
2021Using the university energy efficiency knowledge HUB for energy certification and energy audits of higher education institutionsScherbak, V.
2021Social responsibility of the educational ecosystem of a higher education institution under conditions of structural and innovative changeYatsenko, V.
2021Conceptual principles of hotel and restaurant business developmentHotra, V.
2021Mathematical model of the management of development of integrated business structuresAsem, Djamal Dawoud
2021Mathematical modeling of the development of the potential of integrated business structuresGrechyshkin, Yu.
2021Using the energy efficiency HUB in the university energy management system in the context of preventing a new outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemicGryshchenko, Ivan
2021Methodology and technology of Hackathon ecosystem to engage university faculty and students in innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicShcherbak, V.; Arabuli, Svitlana
2021Formation of an information technology platform to support and develop the hotel businessBiriukova, Yulia
2020Features of the influence of the market environment on the innovative development of agricultural enterprisesHanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.
2020Functional support of the organizational and economic mechanism management of innovation and integration potential enterprisesGoncharenko, I.; Krakhmalova, N.
2020System management for sustainable development: models and problemsKalyta, P.
2020Features of the use of public-private partnerships in the practice of road transport servicesLaponoh, D.
2020Socio-entrepreneurial approach in higher education institutions on the example of inclusive educationGryshchenko, Ivan; Yatsenko, V.
2020Methodological approach to evaluation of component intellectual potential in business processes of integrated structuresNifatova, O.; Dudko, P.
2020The forecasting the level of development of innovative potential of textile enterprisesShcherbak, V.; Puzyrova, Polina
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 61 до 80 з 190